
Boost your profits and improve campaign ROI with Postback Tracking

Learn how to make significantly improved margins on your Google campaigns and generate a higher ROI and more cash with the NEW Postback Tracking functionality on WLD.

White Label Dating will soon be releasing it’s brand new Postback Tracking functionality! Our new tool will help you generate higher margins and ultimately more cash, through more accurate ROI tracking across your Google campaigns.

We’ll be posting all conversion data associated with each unique click straight back into Google. This includes sign up, Initial payment, Reinitial payment and Rebill payment data. This means you can effectively see a campaign’s ROI and spend your money on the campaigns that will make you a higher return and generate the largest LTV! It’s simple!

Postback Tracking will eliminate the need to worry about cookie data being lost, a common concern for Partners acquiring through PPC. iStock-957360650 (

As well as generating you a higher ROI and enhanced margin on each campaign, Postback Tracking will also save you time. Data being posted back into Google means you can optimise your campaigns straight from your Google account – no need to waste time cross-referencing data and working out which campaigns you should be spending on!


Join our Chief Revenue Officer, David Adams, on 20th November at 3 PM BST and learn more about how Postback Tracking will transform your campaigns and grow your profits.  Be the first reap to benefits – Sign up today!

Here’s what you will learn:

  • What Postback Tracking is and why it is crucial to growing profits from your dating business
  • How Postback Tracking will increase the accuracy of your ROI and make you more money
  • How Postback Tracking works with Google to give trusted ROI and LTVs for each member

For more information about our webinar get in touch with your account manager or reach out to [email protected] today.


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