
Members can now easily background check potential matches to help them make safer decisions online

We’ve integrated RealMe background verification across the White Label Dating platform to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to keep members safe online. Members are now able to get instant access to important reputation details of potential matches, so they can put their trust in our partners’ dating sites and stick around for longer.

RealMe Background VerificationWhat is RealMe?

RealMe™ is an online reputation platform that is dedicated to supporting businesses, just like ours, foster greater trust and safety. Their platform offers background verification checks across an extensive database of over 275 million profiles! These profiles provide publicly available background information, criminal records, social profiles, and lots more.

What can members do?

Using the profiles provided by the RealMe platform, members are now able to learn more about each other. With catfishing becoming a growing problem industry-wide, we wanted to make sure that members of our partners’ sites will be able to know exactly who they’re talking to, before they agree to meet them. Using this newly available information, members are empowered to make safer decisions online.

What does this mean for our partners

We integrated with RealMe so that users put their trust in our partners’ dating sites and therefore stick around for longer. If a member feels safe on a dating site they are much more likely to renew their subscription each month, until they find their perfect match. Members are now safer and trust our partners’ sites more, plus our partners are making more money as a result of it. It’s a win-win! 

We’re proud to be setting a new standard for safety and security across dating sites and apps! To learn more about our recent product updates and integrations click here.

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