
Underground dating hints & tips – An insider’s guide

Take a look at these nuggets of knowledge which, although small, could have a profound effect on the performance of your online dating site.

Hosting your assets

Within the application, you will have uploaded a header and footer for your site; you may have also uploaded cross-sell banners to help further monetise members within your portfolio. We highly recommend that these assets are hosted on our server, rather than an external one; this will vastly increase the speed of page load times.

Another benefit to hosting your banners on our server is that, in some cases, when assets are externally hosted, members may be greeted with a security warning asking if they’d like to continue loading the non-secure elements of the page. If you’re hosting external assets on your site, speak to your Partner Manager about moving them to our site (luckily for you, most of the work will be down to them!).

Make sure your members know your site is available on mobile

It sounds obvious, but sometimes members who registered via desktop don’t actually realise that they can access your online dating site via mobile too! As summer fast-approaches, members are more likely to be out-and-about so it’s more important than ever to highlight this.

Why not add a small logo to your header accompanied by the text, ‘Access via mobile!’. You could also create a site footer highlighting to users that they can log in on the go.

Mobile conversion rates on the platform have increased significantly since October 2012; make the most of this opportunity by reminding members that they can access (and pay for) your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any location.

Cross-selling and simple ways to increase ROI

We talk about cross-selling on the blog time and time again, and we appreciate that design resource can be tight. So, to help you make money from your online dating business, our in-house designer has created a selection of cross-sell banners that can be used across all brands. Just follow these simple steps to start cross-selling within your portfolio.

  1. Create new cname records for your niche sites i.e.

  2. Create a new header for the niche site. If necessary, your Partner Manager can help you with this.

  3. Watch your revenues soar.

OpenX. What is it and why should it be on your site?

OpenX is third party software that displays banners to members from inside the dating site application and shows tailored content based on their demographic and history.

For example, if a member registers but doesn’t upload a photo, on their next login, they will see a banner prompting them to add a picture.  Similarly, if a user has been a basic member of the site for more than 14 days without upgrading, they may be shown a trial banner at various points on their journey around the site to encourage them to upgrade.

Implementing OpenX on your dating site will maximise conversions, as it guides the user towards actions leading to a subscription. The majority of sites on the platform have OpenX integrated into them, however, some sites will need to add this manually. Double check with your Partner Manager.

The increasing importance of Facebook Connect

Facebook Connect allows members to register to your dating site using their Facebook details.

This works really well for some sites. Even if you don’t have Facebook Connect as a registration option on your homepage, it’s key to set this up inside the application so that members can import photos from their Facebook account.

The new Profile Wizard prompts members immediately after registration to upload content to their profile. If your site includes Facebook Connect, users will have two options to upload a photo (from a file or from facebook).  More photos = more conversions. Set this live today!

These small changes can give a long-term boost to conversion rates, user experience and your revenues. Make sure that you’re in regular contact with your Partner Manager; they’re on hand to keep you updated with gems such as these.

 Lauren Barnes, Senior PM @

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