
March comms round-up

Our recent campaigns aimed to capitalise on the uplift in traffic around New Year and Valentine’s Day. So in March, we concentrated on targeting members who hadn’t yet converted with special offers.

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated around the world, not just in Ireland, so the holiday weekend began with a free read session that increased the number of members online by two thirds. We followed up with a highly successful discount offer, which contributed 35% to the weekend’s total upgrades.March Comms
As payday approached at the end of the month, selected networks received a timely discount offer. The perfect timing increased upgrades by a third. On top of that, we also offered our US networks regular free read sessions, which boosted member engagement and conversion rates. Improving member engagement adds longevity to members’ lifetime, which is great as it provides us with more opportunities to convert them!

The rest of March was dedicated to keeping our essential and regular campaigns ticking over, in addition to investing time overhauling some of our output. Having spruced up many of our featured member campaigns at the tail end of last year, we reviewed parts of the welcome programme and the value-added content campaigns that keep users engaged.

Moving into April, we’ve already run a big Easter promotion and look forward to sharing some interesting results with you in next month’s update.

Until next time!

Matt Harman, Email Marketing Manager

White Label Dating®

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