
How to improve your web copy to achieve a higher conversion rate

Good copy and strong calls-to-action (CTA) can significantly increase your conversion rate and reduce the number of visitors that land on your site and leave without registering. To help you improve your copy, here’s a collection of our best pieces of advice.

Use plain English

Web copy is renowned for being one of the most difficult writing styles to master. Using plain English so your messages are easy to understand will help steer customers towards taking the actions that you want them to. Long or overly-descriptive sentences could muddy your message – use short, concise sentences that clearly express what you want your customers to do and why they should do it.

Consider your use of adjectives

To simplify your web copy, read through your content and highlight any descriptive adjectives. Whilst they help paint a picture, unnecessary adjectives can slow visitors down. Not only do they make your sentences longer but they can also dilute your message. You can monitor the readability of your copy using this useful app.

Does the customer have all the information?

Write a list of all the essential information that your customer needs to know: Who is this dating site for? How much does it cost? Am I too old/young? Then make sure your copy addresses these key points. This can support the visual elements on your landing page too.

Get personal

Addressing your readers directly can help personalise your content. The more involved they feel, the more likely they are to convert. Aim to use the word ‘you’ in your content to help your potential customers feel engaged with the site. Physically step back from your web copy and scan-read it. The majority of web users skim-read web pages, so you need visitors to be able to locate the point as quickly as possible.

SEO & copywriting

Writing SEO copy can be a balancing act between creating keyword-rich copy and writing copy that’s still relevant for your visitors, with good readability. Include relevant keywords, but don’t stuff them in! Keyword stuffing is now an outdated SEO practice that will do little to improve your search rankings in the long-term and will make your text difficult to read. Instead, use semantic keywords that express your meaning without repeating the same words over and over again. Use Google’s Keyword Planner to help you.

Social proof

If you have lots of testimonials and happy members eager to share details of their experiences, include brief snippets of these on your landing page. This kind of social proof will add authenticity to your site. You could split test a landing page with and without these testimonials to see if this helps increase your conversion rates.

Call to action (CTA)

Try using different text and calls to action in your registration buttons to find what works most effectively for you. Some sites see success from removing ambiguous CTAs, such as ‘next’, ‘click here’ or ‘submit’, as customers might worry what’s next. Instead, use trigger words that will motivate users into clicking ‘Find your match today’, ‘Join the conversation’ or ‘Start your dating journey today’. Results vary depending on target audiences, so you should try split-testing different versions.

For more advice about how to improve your site’s copy, speak to the partner team today. What are your best copywriting tips? Tweet us @wld and let us know!

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