
Google to reward mobile-friendly sites

Google recently announced that from 21 April, mobile-friendliness will become a stronger ranking signal for organic searches. Here’s a quick overview of the changes.

Details of the changes

We know that Google already considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. The most recent news from the search engine is that it will be expanding its use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, meaning that the mobile-friendliness of a site will have a greater impact than before on organic rankings.

According to Google, the changes will affect mobile searches worldwide and could have an impact on organic search results. The goal is to make it easier for users to see relevant, high quality search results that are optimised for their devices.

For full details, check out Google’s blog announcing the changes.

What this means for you

We always encourage partners to ensure that the front-end of their sites are mobile-friendly. As a matter of best practice, it’s a good idea to ensure that all of your landing pages are fully-responsive. Not only will this provide your users with a slick and seamless mobile dating experience, and potentially increase your conversion rates, but it could also help you to avoid any future search penalties for a lack of mobile-friendliness.

Ahead of 21 April, we’d recommend using Google’s comprehensive guide to making your site mobile-friendly and Mobile SEO.

As always, the partner team are on hand to help whenever you need them. If you’d like to discuss how to make your site more mobile-friendly, get in touch.

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