
Using Twitter Analytics to improve your engagement

If you’re using Twitter to drive traffic and boost brand awareness, the data available in Twitter Analytics could help you improve your engagement levels.

Getting started
Visit and log in using your site’s Twitter details. You can view the data for all of your tweets, even if you aren’t an advertiser. When you’re logged in, you can compare the performance of each of your tweets for set periods. The information available to you is as follows.

This is the number of times your tweet has been shown to other users. If your impressions are particularly high for some tweets, replicate those elements in other posts to boost the overall volume of impressions. It’s worth noting that if you’re just starting out on Twitter, you’re likely to have fewer impressions but this should increase as your audience grows.

Engagement rates
Twitter will also detail your engagement rates for individual tweets. Engagement consists of clicks, retweets, favourites, replies and follows on your posts. Use this to identify successful posts, and recycle posts where appropriate to improve future engagement.

Follower interests
Twitter collects information about your followers’ interests. You can use this to make posts more relevant and tailored to specific interests. This could be particularly useful for promoting your niche sites. You could also use this information in other marketing campaigns aimed at a similar demographic.

Top follower
Your ‘top follower’ is one of your followers with the most people following them. They could become your brand’s biggest advocate on Twitter. When relevant, mention them in tweets to increase the reach of your original tweet. As good netiquette, be sure to follow them back and engage with them.

Twitter Cards
Twitter Cards allows you to attach rich photos, videos and articles to tweets, with the goal of driving more traffic to your website. Cards typically increase engagement and give you access to deeper insights about how your tweets are shared.

Conversion tracking  
A really useful tool available to those partners promoting tweets, the conversion tracking function allows you to set and track your own conversion goals. You can use this to find out how many people are clicking through ads to your site and registering.

Analysing how your tweets are performing is important in allowing you to optimise your feed. For more help with improving the performance of your social marketing efforts, get in touch with partner team today.

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